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The initialize feature allows a hook to perform startup tasks that may be asynchronous or rely on other hooks. All Sails configuration is guaranteed to be completed before a hook’s initialize function runs. Examples of tasks that you may want to put in initialize include:

Like all hook features, initialize is optional and can be left out of your hook definition. If implemented, initialize should be an async function which must be resolved (i.e. not throw or hang forever) in order for Sails to finish loading:

initialize: async function() {

   // Do some stuff here to initialize hook

Hook timeout settings

By default, hooks have ten seconds to complete their initialize function and resolve before Sails throws an error. That timeout can be configured by setting the _hookTimeout key to the number of milliseconds that Sails should wait. This can be done in the hook’s defaults:

defaults: {
   __configKey__: {
      _hookTimeout: 20000 // wait 20 seconds before timing out
Hook events and dependencies

When a hook successfully initializes, it emits an event with the following name:

hook:<hook name>:loaded

For example:

You can use the "hook loaded" events to make one hook dependent on another. To do so, simply wrap your hook’s initialize logic in a call to sails.on(). For example, to make your hook wait for the orm hook to load, you could make your initialize similar to the following:

initialize: async function() {
  return new Promise((resolve)=>{
    sails.on('hook:orm:loaded', ()=>{
      // Finish initializing custom hook
      // Then resolve.

To make a hook dependent on several others, gather the event names to wait for into an array and call sails.after:

initialize: async function() {
  return new Promise((resolve)=>{
    var eventsToWaitFor = ['hook:orm:loaded', 'hook:mygreathook:loaded'];
    sails.after(eventsToWaitFor, ()=>{

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.
