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Client-side HTML templates are important prerequisites for certain types of modern, rich client applications built for browsers; particularly SPAs. To work their magic, frameworks like Backbone, Angular, Ember, and Knockout require that you load templates client-side; completely separate from your traditional server-side views. Out of the box, new Sails apps support the best of both worlds.

Whether or not you use client-side templates in your app and where you put them is, of course, completely up to you. But for the sake of convention, new apps generated with Sails include a templates/ folder for you by default.

How do I use these templates?


By default, your Gruntfile is configured to automatically load and precompile client-side JST templates in your assets/templates folder, then include them in your layout.ejs view automatically (between TEMPLATES and TEMPLATES END).



This exposes your HTML templates as precompiled functions on window.JST for use from your client-side JavaScript.

To customize this behavior to fit your needs, just edit your Gruntfile. For example, here are a few things you could do:

  • Import templates from other directories
  • Use a different template engine (handlebars, jade, dust, etc)
  • Internationalize your client-side templates using a server-side stringfile before they're served.

For more information, check out the conceptual documentation on the default Grunt tasks that make up Sails' asset pipeline.

Want to see for yourself?

An example of this directory can be found in our sample app repo, here.

Anatomy of a Sails App