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This file configures a Grunt task called "sails-linker".

Automatically inject <script> tags and <link> tags into the specified HTML and/or EJS files. The specified delimiters (startTag and endTag) determine the insertion points.

Development (default)

By default, tags will be injected for your app's client-side JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, and precompiled client-side HTML templates in the templates/ directory (see the jst task for more info on that). In addition, if a LESS stylesheet exists at assets/styles/importer.less, it will be compiled to CSS and a <link> tag will be inserted for it. Similarly, if any Coffeescript files exist in assets/js/, they will be compiled into JavaScript and injected as well.

Production (NODE_ENV=production)

In production, all stylesheets (including all .css files and assets/styles/importer.less) are minified into a single .css file (see tasks/config/cssmin.js task) and all client-side scripts (including .js and .coffee files) are minified into a single .js file (see tasks/config/uglify.js task). Any precompiled, client-side HTML templates (JST) can also be minified alongside the other scripts when sails-linker:prodJs runs-- but since this could change the behavior of your front-end code, it is not included by default.

If you're using JST templates and you'd like them to be included in the minified bundle, remove clientSideTemplates from the tasklist array in tasks/register/prod.js, and then modify tasks/config/uglify.js to include the compiled jst.js file from .tmp/public/ in its src array.



For additional usage documentation, see grunt-sails-linker.

Want to see for yourself?

An example of this file can be found in our sample app repo, here.

Anatomy of a Sails App