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This file configures a Grunt task called "polyfill".

Add a polyfill.js file to the public assets (in dev mode) or minified JavaScript file (in production) to fill in features missing in older browsers, such as Promise. This task is meant to work in conjunction with the babel task.

Development (polyfill:dev)

The development version of this task copies the polyfill file to .tmp/public/polyfill/polyfill.min.js, and ensures that the file will be included (via the linkAssets task) as a <script> tag in any HTML files with the <!--SCRIPTS--> template tag.

By default, the polyfill:dev and babel tasks are commented out in development Grunt tasks, to make it easier to debug your code in the browser.

Production (polyfill:prod)

In production, (i.e. when the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production), this task adds the contents of the polyfill file to the very top of the concatenated and minified production.min.js file.

Want to see for yourself?

An example of this file can be found in our sample app repo, here.

Anatomy of a Sails App