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Best practices

There are many undocumented best practices and workflow improvements for developing in Sails that contributors have established over the years. This section is an attempt to document some of the basics, but be sure and pop into Gitter if you ever have a question about how to set things up or want to share your own tool chain.

The best way to work with Sails core is to fork the repository, git clone it to your filesystem, and then run npm link. In addition to writing tests, you'll often want to use a sample project as a harness; to do that, cd into the sample app and run npm link sails. This will create a symbolic link in the node_modules directory of your sample app that points to your local cloned version of Sails. This keeps you from having to copy the framework over every time you make a change. You can force your sample app to use the local Sails dependency by running node app instead of sails lift (although sails lift should use the local dependency, if one exists). If you need to test the command line tool this way, you can access it from your sample app as node node_modules/sails/bin/sails. For example, if you were working on sails new, and you wanted to test it manually, you could run node node_modules/sails/bin/sails new testProj.

Installing different versions of Sails

Release Install Command Build Status
latest npm install sails Stable
edge npm install sails@git://github.com/balderdashy/sails.git Build Status

Installing an unreleased branch for testing


In general, you can npm install Sails directly from Github as follows:

# Install an unreleased branch of Sails in the current directory's `node_modules`
$ npm install sails@git://github.com/balderdashy/sails.git#nameOfDesiredBranch

This is useful for testing/installing hot-fixes and just a good thing to know how to do in general.

Submitting Pull Requests

  1. If this is your first time forking and submitting a PR, follow our instructions here.
  2. Fork the repo.
  3. Add a test for your change. Only refactoring and documentation changes require no new tests. If you are adding functionality or fixing a bug, we need a test!
  4. Make the tests pass and make sure you follow our syntax guidelines.
  5. Add a line of what you did to CHANGELOG.md (right under master).
  6. Push to your fork and submit a pull request to the appropriate branch:
    • Master
      • Corresponds with the "edge" version—the latest, not-yet-released version of Sails. Most pull requests should be sent here.
    • Latest (or "stable")
      • Corresponds with the latest stable release on npm (if you have a high-priority hotfix, send the PR explaining that).

Using Sails at work?

If your company has the budget, consider purchasing Flagship support. It's a great way to support the ongoing development of the open source tools you use every day. And it gives you an extra lifeline to the Sails core team.

Contribution guide