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Using MongoDB with Node.js/Sails.js

Sails supports the popular MongoDB database via the sails-mongo adapter.

First, make sure you have access to a running MongoDB server, either on your development machine or in the cloud. Below, 'mongodb://root@localhost/foo' refers to a locally-installed MongoDB using "foo" as the database name. Be sure to replace that connection URL with the appropriate string for your database.

Developing locally with MongoDB


To use MongoDB in your Node.js/Sails app during development:

  1. Run npm install sails-mongo in your app folder.
  2. In your config/datastores.js file, edit the default datastore configuration:

    default: {
       adapter: 'sails-mongo',
       url: 'mongodb://root@localhost/foo'
  3. In your config/models.js file, edit the default id attribute to have the appropriate type and columnName for MongoDB's primary keys:

    attributes: {
       id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' },

That's it! Lift your app again and you should be good to go.



After configuring your project to use MongoDB, you may notice that your Waterline queries are now case-sensitive by default. To do case-insensitive queries, you can use .meta({makeLikeModifierCaseInsensitive: true}).

Deploying your app with MongoDB


To use MongoDB in production, edit your adapter setting in config/env/production.js:

adapter: 'sails-mongo',

You may also configure your connection URL -- but many developers prefer not to check sensitive credentials into version control. Another option is to use an environment variable:


To use MongoDB in your staging environment, edit config/env/staging.js. Depending on your application, it may be acceptable to check in your staging database credentials to version control, since they are less of a security risk.

Low-level MongoDB usage (advanced)


As with all of the Sails database adapters, you can use any of the Waterline model methods to interact with your models when using sails-mongo.

For many apps, that's all you'll need-- from "hello world" to production. Even if you run into limitations, they can usually be worked around without writing Mongo-specific code. However, for situations when there is no alternative, it is possible to use the Mongo driver directly in your Sails app.

To access the lower-level “native” MongoDB client directly, use the .manager property of the datastore instance.

As of sails-mongo v2.0.0 and above, you can access the MongoClient object via manager.client. This gives you access to the latest MongoDB improvements, like ClientSession, and with it, transactions, change streams, and other new features.

var mongoClient = Pet.getDatastore().manager.client;

var results = await mongoClient.db('test')
.find({}, { name: 1 })


For a full list of methods available in the native MongoDB client, see the Node.js MongoDB Driver API reference.

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.
