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Generating controllers or standalone actions

You can use sails-generate from the Sails command line tool to quickly generate a controller, or even just an individual action.

Generating controllers


For example, to generate a controller:

$ sails generate controller user

Sails will generate api/controllers/UserController.js:

 * UserController.js
 * @description :: Server-side controller action for managing users.
 * @help        :: See https://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/controllers
module.exports = {


Generating standalone actions


Run the following command to generate a standalone action:

$ sails generate action user/signup
info: Created an action!
Using "actions2"...
[?] https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/actions

Sails will create api/controllers/user/sign-up.js:

 * user/sign-up.js
 * @description :: Server-side controller action for handling incoming requests.
 * @help        :: See https://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/controllers
module.exports = {

  friendlyName: 'Sign up',

  description: '',

  inputs: {


  exits: {


  fn: function (inputs, exits) {

    return exits.success();



Or, using the classic actions interface:

$ sails generate action user/signup --no-actions2
info: Created a traditional (req,res) controller action, but as a standalone file

Sails will create api/controllers/user/sign-up.js:

 * Module dependencies

// ...

 * user/signup.js
 * Signup user.
module.exports = function signup(req, res) {

  sails.log.debug('TODO: implement');
  return res.ok();


Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.
