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HTTP Strict Transport Security

Strict Transport Security (STS) is an opt-in security enhancement that forces usage of HTTPS instead of HTTP (in modern browsers, at least).

Enabling STS


Implementing STS is actually very simple and only takes a few lines of code. Better yet, a few different open-source modules exist that bring support for this feature to Express and Sails. To use one of these modules, install it from npm using the directions below, then open config/http.js in your project and configure it as a custom middleware. The example below covers basic usage and configuration. For more guidance and advanced usage details, be sure and follow the link to the docs.

Using lusca

lusca is open-source under the Apache license

# In your sails app
npm install lusca --save

Then in the middleware config object in config/http.js:

// ...
  // maxAge ==> Number of seconds strict transport security will stay in effect.
  strictTransportSecurity: require('lusca').hsts({ maxAge: 31536000 })
  // ...

Additional Resources


Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.
