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Tips and tricks for programmatic usage

When loading a Sails app programmatically, you will usually want to turn off hooks that are not being used, both for optimization and to ensure minimal interference between the Sails app and the Node script enclosing it. To turn off a hook, set it to false in the hooks dictionary that is sent as part of the first argument to .load() or .lift().

You may also want to turn off Sails globals, especially when loading more than one Sails app simultaneously. Since all Node apps in the same process share the same globals, starting more than one Sails app with globals turned on is a surefire way to end up with collisions between models, controllers, and other app-wide entities.

// Turn off globala and commonly unused hooks in programmatic apps
  hooks: {
     grunt: false,
     sockets: false,
     pubsub: false
  globals: false

Finally, note that while you can use the Sails constructor to programmatically create and start as many Sails apps as you like, each app can only be started once. Once you call .lower() on an app, it cannot be started again.

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