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The configure feature provides a way to configure a hook after the defaults objects have been applied to all hooks. By the time a custom hook’s configure() function runs, all user-level configuration and core hook settings will have been merged into sails.config. However, you should not depend on the configuration of other custom hooks at this point, as the load order of custom hooks is not guaranteed.

configure should be implemented as a function with no arguments, and should not return any value. For example, the following configure function could be used for a hook that communicates with a remote API, to change the API endpoint based on whether the user set the hook’s ssl property to true. Note that the hook’s configuration key is available in configure as this.configKey:

configure: function() {

   // If SSL is on, use the HTTPS endpoint
   if (sails.config[this.configKey].ssl == true) {
      sails.config[this.configKey].url = "https://" + sails.config[this.configKey].domain;
   // Otherwise use HTTP
   else {
      sails.config[this.configKey].url = "http://" + sails.config[this.configKey].domain;

The main benefit of configure is that all hook configure functions are guaranteed to run before any initialize functions run; therefore, a hook’s initialize function can examine the configuration settings of other hooks.

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