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This feature is still experimental.

This method is still under development, and its interface and/or behavior could change at any time.

Register a new action middleware function that will be applied to actions with the specified identities.

sails.registerActionMiddleware(actionMiddlewareFns, actionIdentities);

Action middleware functions are essentially policies that you declare programmatically (rather than via sails.config.policies). In fact, policies are implemented under-the-hood using action middleware. The registerActionMiddleware() method is mainly useful in custom hooks as a way of adding new policies to an app.


  Argument Type Details
1 actionMiddlewareFns Function or Array One or more middleware functions to register. Action middleware (like policies) must be functions which accept req, res and next arguments.
2 actionIdentities String An expression that indicates the action or actions that the action middleware should apply to. Use * at the end for a wildcard; e.g. user/* will apply to any actions whose identities begin with user/. Use a ! at the beginning to indicate that the action middleware should NOT apply to the actions specified by the expression, e.g. !user/foo or !user/*. Multiple identity expressions can be specified by separating with a comma, e.g. pets/count,user/*,!user/tickle

The actionIdentities argument expects the identities to be expressed as if they were standalone actions. To apply action middleware to actions inside of a controller file (e.g. UserController.js), simply refer to the lower-cased version of the filename without "Controller" (e.g. user).



As an example of action middleware that might be applied in a custom hook, imagine a page view counter (this code might be added to the initialize method of the hook):

// Declare a local var to hold the number of views for each URL.
var pageViews = {};

// Register middleware to record each page view.

  // First argument is the middleware to run
  function countPage (req, res, next) {

    // Initialize the page counter to zero if this is the first time we've seen this URL.
    pageViews[req.url] = pageViews[req.url] || 0;

    // Increment the page counter.

    // Add the current page count to the request, so that it can be used in other middleware / actions.
    req.currentPageCount = pageViews[req.url];

    // Continue to the next matching middleware / action

  // Second argument is the actions to apply the middleware to.  In this case, we want the
  // hook to apply to all actions EXCEPT the `show-page-views` action supplied by this hook.
  '*, !page-view-hook/show-page-views'


Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.

