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Find one (blueprint)

Look up the record with the specified id from the database, and (if possible) subscribe to the record in order to hear about any future changes.

GET /:model/:id

The findOne() blueprint action returns a single record from the model (given by :model) as a JSON object. The specified id is the primary key of the desired record.

If the action was triggered via a socket request, the requesting socket will be "subscribed" to the returned record. If the record is subsequently updated or deleted, a message will be sent to that socket's client informing them of the change. See the .subscribe() docs for more info.


Parameter Type Details
model String The identity of the containing model.

e.g. 'purchase' (in /purchase/7)
id String The desired target record's primary key value

e.g. '7' (in /purchase/7).
populate String? If specified, overide the default automatic population process. Accepts a comma-separated list of attribute names for which to populate record values, or specify false to have no attributes populated. See here for more information on how the population process fills out attributes in the returned record according to the model's defined associations.
select String? The attributes to include in the result, specified as a comma-delimited list. By default, all attributes are selected. Not valid for plural (“collection”) association attributes.

e.g. ?select=name,age.
omit String? The attributes to exclude from the result, specified as a comma-delimited list. Cannot be used in conjuction with select. Not valid for plural (“collection”) association attributes.

e.g. ?omit=favoriteColor,address.



Find the purchase with id #1:

GET /purchase/1

Run in Postman

Expected Response
   "amount": 49.99,
   "id": 1,
   "createdAt": 1485551132315,
   "updatedAt": 1485551132315

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