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Replace all members of the specified collection (e.g. the comments of BlogPost #4).

await Something.replaceCollection(parentId, association)


Argument Type Details
1 parentId Number or String The primary key value(s) (i.e. ids) for the parent record(s).
Must be a number or string (e.g. '507f191e810c19729de860ea' or 49).
Alternatively, an array of numbers or strings may be specified (e.g. ['507f191e810c19729de860ea', '14832ace0c179de897'] or [49, 32, 37]). In this case, the child records will be replaced in each parent record.
2 association String The name of the plural ("collection") association (e.g. "pets")
3 childIds Array The primary key values (i.e. ids) for the child records that will be the new members of the association. Note that this does not create these records or destroy the old ones, it just attaches/detaches records to/from the specified parent(s).
Name Type When?
UsageError Error Thrown if something invalid was passed in.
AdapterError Error Thrown if something went wrong in the database adapter.
Error Error Thrown if anything else unexpected happens.

See Concepts > Models and ORM > Errors for examples of negotiating errors in Sails and Waterline.



For user 3, replace all pets in the "pets" collection with pets 99 and 98:

await User.replaceCollection(3, 'pets')

Edge cases



  • This method can be used with await, promise chaining, or traditional Node callbacks.
  • If the association is "2-way" (meaning it has via) then the child records will be modified accordingly. If the attribute on the other side is singular, the each newly-linked-or-unlinked child record's foreign key will be changed. If it's plural, then each child record's collection will be modified accordingly.
  • In addition, if the via points at a singular ("model") attribute on the other side, then .addToCollection() will "steal" these child records if necessary. For example, imagine you have an Employee model with this plural ("collection") attribute: involvedInPurchases: { collection: 'Purchase', via: 'cashier' }. If you executed Employee.addToCollection(7, 'involvedInPurchases', [47]) to assign this purchase to employee #7 (Dolly), but purchase #47 was already associated with a different employee (e.g. #12, Motoki), then this would "steal" the purchase from Motoki and give it to Dolly. In other words, if you executed Employee.find([7, 12]).populate('involvedInPurchases'), Dolly's involvedInPurchases array would contain purchase #47 and Motoki's would not.

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.

