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Send a socket request (virtual GET) to a Sails server using Socket.IO.

io.socket.get(url, data, function (resData, jwres){
  // ...


Argument Type Details
1 url String The destination URL path, e.g. "/checkout".
2 data JSON? Optional request data. If provided, it will be URL-encoded and appended to url (existing query string params in url will be preserved).
3 callback Function? Optional callback. If provided, it will be called when the server responds.
Argument Type Details
1 resData JSON Data, if any, sent in the response from the Sails server. This is the same thing as jwres.body.
2 jwres Dictionary A JSON WebSocket response, which consists of headers (a Dictionary), body (JSON), and statusCode (a Number).


io.socket.get('/users/9', function (resData) {
  // resData => {id:9, name: 'Timmy Mendez'}


  • Remember that you can communicate with any of your routes using socket requests.
  • Need to customize request headers? Check out the slightly lower-level io.socket.request() method. To set custom headers for all outgoing requests, check out io.sails.headers.

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.

