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Broadcast an arbitrary message to socket clients subscribed to one or more of this model's records.

Something.publish(ids, data, req);

The event name for this broadcast is the same as the model's identity.


Argument Type Details
1 ids Array An array of record ids (primary key values).
2 data JSON The data to broadcast.
3 req req? Optional. If provided, then the requesting socket will not receive the broadcast.


// On the server:

  tellSecretToBobs: function (req, res) {

    // Get the secret from the request.
    var secret = req.param('secret');

    // Look up all users named "Bob".
    User.find({name: 'bob'}, function(err, bobs) {
      if (err) {return res.serverError(err);}

      // Tell the secret to every client who is subscribed to these users,
      // except for the client that made this request in the first place.
      // Note that the secret is wrapped in a dictionary with a `verb` property -- this is not
      // required, but helpful if you'll also be listening for events from Sails blueprints.
      User.publish(_.pluck(bobs, 'id'), {
        verb: 'published',
        theSecret: secret
      }, req);

      return res.send();

// On the client:

  // Subscribe this client socket to Bob-only secrets
  // > See the `.subscribe()` documentation for more info about subscribing to records:
  // > https://sailsjs.com/documentation/reference/web-sockets/resourceful-pub-sub/subscribe

  // Whenever a `user` event is received, do something.
  io.socket.on('user', function(msg) {
     if (msg.verb === 'published') {
       console.log('Got a secret only Bobs can hear:', msg.theSecret);
     // else if (msg.verb === 'created') { ... }
     // else if (msg.verb === 'updated') { ... }


  • Be sure to check that req.isSocket === true before passing in req to refer to the requesting socket. If used, the provided req must be from a socket request, not just any old HTTP request.

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.

