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Get the total number of records matching the specified criteria.

var numRecords = await Model.count(criteria);


# Argument Type Details
1 criteria Dictionary? The Waterline criteria to use for matching records in the database. Note that count queries do not support pagination using skip and limit or projections using select.
Type Description
Number The number of records from your database that match the given criteria.
Name Type When?
UsageError Error Thrown if something invalid was passed in.
AdapterError Error Thrown if something went wrong in the database adapter.
Error Error Thrown if anything else unexpected happens.

See Concepts > Models and ORM > Errors for examples of negotiating errors in Sails and Waterline.


var total = await User.count({name:'Flynn'});
sails.log(`There ${total===1?'is':'are'} ${total} user${total===1?'':'s'} named "Flynn".`);



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