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Unsubscribe the requesting client socket from one or more database records.

Something.unsubscribe(req, ids);


Argument Type Details
1 req req The incoming socket request (req) containing the socket to unsubscribe.
2 ids Array An array of record ids (primary key values).



On the server:

unsubscribeFromUsersNamedLenny: function (req, res) {

  if (!req.isSocket) {
    return res.badRequest();

  User.find({name: 'Lenny'}).exec(function(err, lennies) {
    if (err) { return res.serverError(err); }

    var lennyIds = _.pluck(lennies, 'id');

    User.unsubscribe(req, lennyIds);

    return res.ok();



  • Be sure to check that req.isSocket === true before passing in req to refer to the requesting socket. The provided req must be from a socket request, not just any old HTTP request.
  • unsubscribe will only work when the request is made over a socket connection (e.g. using io.socket.get()), not over HTTP (e.g. using jQuery.get()).

Is something missing?

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