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Lease a new connection from the datastore for use in running multiple queries on the same connection (i.e. so that the logic provided in during can reuse the db connection).

await datastore.leaseConnection(during);



Argument Type Details
1 during Function A procedural parameter that Sails will call automatically when a connection has been obtained and made ready for you. It will receive the arguments specified in the "During" usage table below.
Argument Type Details
1 db Ref Your newly-leased database connection. (See .usingConnection() for more information on what to do with this.)

Note that prior to Sails 1.1.0, the recommended usage of .leaseConnection() expected your "during" code to call a callback (proceed) when it finished. This is no longer necessary as long as you do not actually include a second argument in the function signature of your "during" code.

Type Details
Ref? The optional result data sent back from during. In other words, if, in your during function, you did return 'foo';, then this will be 'foo'.
Name Type When?
UsageError Error Thrown if something invalid was passed in.
AdapterError Error Thrown if something went wrong in the database adapter.
Error Error Thrown if anything else unexpected happens.

See Concepts > Models and ORM > Errors for examples of negotiating errors in Sails and Waterline.



Lease a database connection from the default datastore, then use it to send two queries before releasing it back to the pool.

var inventory = await sails.getDatastore()
.leaseConnection(async (db)=> {
  var location = await Location.findOne({ id: inputs.locationId })
  if (!location) {
    let err = new Error('Cannot find location with that id (`'+inputs.locationId+'`)');
    err.code = 'E_NO_SUCH_LOCATION';
    throw err;

  // Get all products at the location
  var productOfferings = await ProductOffering.find({ location: inputs.locationId })

  return productOfferings;
.intercept('E_NO_SUCH_LOCATION', 'notFound');

// All done!  Whatever we were doing with that database connection worked.
// Now we can proceed with our business.

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